Friday, March 23, 2012

Week #5 Questions and Memory Verses


1. Give the key reason why God instructs the Christian to be baptized.

2. In Matthew 3:13-15, Jesus was baptized to demonstrate His _____________ and _______________ to God and His plan. Jesus fulfilled this before He began His ____________.

3. List three men who were baptized after salvation in the New Testament.



4. What are the purposes for baptism found in Romans 6:3-4?



5. Acts 8:36-37 the Ethiopian eunuch had to fulfill two requirements before he could be baptized. What were the two requirements?



6. How do we know the Ethiopian eunuch and Jesus were not baptized by sprinkling of water?



7. What does baptism by complete immersion in water picture?

8. Baptism is essential in order for the Christian to __________ and ____________________.
Also, one must be willing to submit to baptism in order to be _______________ to follow Christ.

9. Is baptism essential for salvation? 

   Give a scripture reference for this.

10. Briefly explain the primary purpose of this lesson.

Key Memory Verses:

Matthew 3:13-17; Acts 8:36-39; Romans 6:1-7

Note: There is much false teaching among religious groups concerning baptism. The Christian should be aware of some of them.

1. Man must be baptized in order to be saved.

2. Baptism by sprinkling is just as meaningful as immersion.

3. Babies should be baptized into God's family or into "the church".

From the Bible principles taught in this lesson, you should understand these teachings are false and why.

Write down any question(s) you may have concerning the subjects in this lesson. Share them with your pastor...of feel free to comment them on here and I will do my best to get you an answer! :)

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Enjoy the weekend everyone!

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Week #5: Baptism

"Now That I am Saved, Where do I Start?"

Virtually all religious denominations teach some form of baptism as part of their doctrine. The diversities in their teachings are wide. This lesson is intended to give the Bible's clear an definitive teaching on the subject so you can understand perfectly what God's intention is regarding baptism.

1. God commands you to be baptized.

     A. Baptism is the first act of obedience in service to the Lord.
          Anyone can be baptized, it takes no special talents or effort.

     B. Jesus set the example Himself by submitting to baptism before He began His public ministry.

         Matthew 3:13-17;  Mark 1:9-11;  Luke 3:21-22

     C. In Matthew 3:13-15 it is clear Jesus was baptized in obedience to God's plan. In verse 15 HE SAID, "...Suffer (allow) it to be so now; for thus it becometh us to fulfill all righteousnes." this point of submission and obedience is the single most important thing to realize regarding baptism.

     D. Some Bible characters who submitted to baptism after salvation.

        1. The Ethiopian eunuch. Acts 8:36-39

        2. The apostle Paul. Acts 9:18

        3. The Philippian jailer and his house. Acts16:25-33

II. Baptism has a clear purpose.

    A. Several types of baptism are mentioned in the Bible. In each case, physical baptism pictures a truth. The important point to consider is the picture portrayed by baptism.

    B. Romans 6:1-7 (specifically verses 3-4) shows the two purposes of baptism.

          1. It pictures the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus Christ.

         2. It is a public testimony of the new convert's identification with Jesus Christ through the death, burial, and resurrection which is how you were saved. It identifies you with the Lord Jesus Christ.

III. Every believer should be baptized.

    A. The clearest case of an individual's baptism in the Bible is the Ethiopian eunuch in Acts 8:26-39. In verse 36 the eunuch asked. "...what doth hinder me to be baptized?" Philip then answered with the condition of baptism in verse 37, "...If thou believest with all thine heart, thou mayest." Then the eunuch's response sealed the matter, "...I believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God."

    B. The only requirements for baptism are the same requirements for salvation found in Romans 10:9-10. 
         1. Heart belief in Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior.

        2. Confession that Jesus Christ is Lord and Savior.

    C. There are NO cases of baptism in the Bible of anyone but believers.

    D. Some other instances of baptism immediately after salvation include:

         1. Acts 8:12

         2. Acts 18:8

IV. There is only one biblical method of baptism.

    A. Again, Acts 8:26-39 gives the clearest example. In verses 38-39, BOTH Philip and the Ethiopian eunuch went down into the water and came up out of the water.

    B. In Matthew 3:16 Jesus was baptized in the same manner.

    C. As seen previously, the key to baptism is a picture of death, burial and resurrection. The only way to bury someone is to completely cover them. The biblical method of baptism is complete immersion. No one in the Bible ever sprinkled, just as no one is truly buried if they have only been sprinkled with dirt.

V. Baptism is essential for your spiritual growth.

    A. It is NOT essential for salvation. Ephesians 2:8-9 makes it clear a man is saved by grace through faith without works - including baptism.

    B. It IS essential for service and spiritual growth, Matthew 28:19-20 (the Great Commission) proves it is essential. Baptism is an integral part of the Great Commission and precedes teaching.

  *C. Before anyone can be taught to follow Jesus Christ, there must be willingness to submit to the first act of obedience. If a person refuses to obey the Lord in the first point, there will be a problem in obeying any future points.

        Matthew 3:13-15

VI. Basic question. Where should I be baptized?

      Since baptism is a public profession of your faith in Jesus Christ, most often it will be publicly in front of the local church. But it does not have to be. For instance, the Lord Jesus Christ was baptized in the Jordan River. The actual place of baptism is not important. The public testimony of your identification with the Lord Jesus Christ is the important point.

Monday, March 5, 2012

Week #4 Questions and Memory Verses:


1. What is the promise that we can claim in John 6:37?

2. From John 10:27-29 you should understand that no man can cause you to lose your salvation. Why is this?

3. We cannot do anything ourselves that would cause us to lose our salvation. What can we learn from the following verses to support this?

    Ephesians 2:8-9

    II Timothy 1:12

    Galations 2:21

4. Is there anything at all that can separate us from the love of God?

5. Romans 8: 38-39 shows we have received the love of God in _______ _______ ________ ________.

6. Briefly give three examples relating your spiritual birth to your physical birth.


7. What scripture reference promises you can know you have eternal life?

8. What do the following verses teach you concerning the promises of eternal life?

    I John 3:20

    Titus 1:2

    I John 2:25

9. Briefly explain the primary purpose of this lesson.

Key Memory Verses:

Ephesians 2:8-9;  I John 2:25;  I John 5:13

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Week #4 "Eternal Security"

"Now that I am saved, can I ever lose my salvation?"

Once you have settled the question of salvation as the Bible declare it - by grace through Jesus Christ - it is imperative you understand how this decision has affected your life.

In lesson #2 we learned there are only two spiritual families on this earth, God's and the devil's. We learned that we were born into the devil's family at the time of our physical birth and we are born into God's family when we receive Jesus Christ as our savior. (John 1:12-13) In this lesson we will discuss the state of the new believer in God' family from the biblical facts, settle the question of the eternal security of the Christian.

I. The testimony of the Lord Jesus Christ is clear on this subject.
    A. Jesus Christ promises, "...him that cometh to me I will in no wise cast out." (John 6:37) God will not cast you out of his family under any circumstances.
    B. John 10:27-29 makes it clear no man can cause you to lose your salvation because God your Father is greater than all men.
II. Salvation does not depend on your works, but on the grace of God.
    A. Salvation is by grace through faith and not by works. It is a GIFT from God. No one can lose salvation because no one can earn salvation. Ephesians 2:8-9
    B. Galatians 3:10 and James 2:10 tells if we had to do anything to keep salvation we would lose it easily. Yet, II Timothy 1:12 assures us it is Jesus Christ who keeps us, not we ourselves.
    C. Galations 2:21 states clearly if we could become righteous by anything we do, then Jesus Christ's death was a waste.
III. There is nothing that can separate you from your salvation.
     Romans 8:38-39 says, "For I am persuaded, that neither..."
    A. "Death" - you can't lose it when you die;
    B. "Life" - you can't loose it while you are alive;
    C. "Angles" - can't take it from you;
    D. "Principalities" - The government can't take it from you;
    E. "Powers" - the devil can't cause you to lose it;
    F. "Things Present" - nothing happening right now can take it away;
    G. "Things to come" - nothing in the future;
    H. "Height" - nothing above you;
    I. "Depth" - nothing below you can make you lose it;
    J. "Nor any other creature, shall be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord."
IV. Your salvation is secure because of your new relationship to God.
    A. Your relationship is now a father/child relationship by birth.
         Review John 1:12-13
    B. When you were born physically, there was a record made of your birth called a birth certificate. When you were born again, a record was also made. I John 5:11-13
    C. Your birth certificate was marked with a seal. Your spiritual birth is sealed by the Holy Spirit of God. Ephesians 1:13, 4:30
    D. You will always be your earthly father's child because you were born of his seed. You could leave the country, disown each other, change your name, or never see him or hear from him, or even think about him for the rest of your life but it will never change the fact that he is your father. The same is true of your Heavenly Father. You can die but you can never be unborn. Your birth is fixed forever - both physically and spiritually. Even God himself can not change this fact.
V. Basic questions.
    A. How can I know for sure I am saved? --- The epistle of I John is written for this purpose. I John 5:13 says, "These things I have written unto you that believe on the name of the Son of God; That ye may know that you have eternal life,..." As a new Christian, I John should be a primary focal point to help you grow and to settle this issue.
    B. What if I don't feel saved?
1. Your salvation is not based on feelings. It is based on the objective factual truth of the Word of God.
            a. I John 3.20 says, "For if our heart condemn us, God is greater than our heart, and knoweth all things." God knows if you are saved or not, even when you have doubts, negative thoughts and feelings of being lost.
            b. Doubts should always be addressed. Take them to God and he will show you how to handle them. God wants you to know that you are saved more than you want to know! If you continue to struggle with doubts, seek council from your pastor. --- I John 4:18
            c. Titus 1:2 says, "In hope of eternal life, which is God, that cannot lie, promised before the world began."
Just believe what God has said! --- I John 2:25