Friday, March 23, 2012

Week #5 Questions and Memory Verses


1. Give the key reason why God instructs the Christian to be baptized.

2. In Matthew 3:13-15, Jesus was baptized to demonstrate His _____________ and _______________ to God and His plan. Jesus fulfilled this before He began His ____________.

3. List three men who were baptized after salvation in the New Testament.



4. What are the purposes for baptism found in Romans 6:3-4?



5. Acts 8:36-37 the Ethiopian eunuch had to fulfill two requirements before he could be baptized. What were the two requirements?



6. How do we know the Ethiopian eunuch and Jesus were not baptized by sprinkling of water?



7. What does baptism by complete immersion in water picture?

8. Baptism is essential in order for the Christian to __________ and ____________________.
Also, one must be willing to submit to baptism in order to be _______________ to follow Christ.

9. Is baptism essential for salvation? 

   Give a scripture reference for this.

10. Briefly explain the primary purpose of this lesson.

Key Memory Verses:

Matthew 3:13-17; Acts 8:36-39; Romans 6:1-7

Note: There is much false teaching among religious groups concerning baptism. The Christian should be aware of some of them.

1. Man must be baptized in order to be saved.

2. Baptism by sprinkling is just as meaningful as immersion.

3. Babies should be baptized into God's family or into "the church".

From the Bible principles taught in this lesson, you should understand these teachings are false and why.

Write down any question(s) you may have concerning the subjects in this lesson. Share them with your pastor...of feel free to comment them on here and I will do my best to get you an answer! :)

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