Wednesday, August 15, 2012


What is the Meaning of Giving and What Are
My Responsibilities in this Area?”

Giving is an extremely controversial subject in Christianity today largely due to the severe pressures exerted on God’s people to give to so many worthy causes. This is perhaps one of the most misunderstood subjects in Christianity.

Before you can properly understand the nature of New Testament giving, you must understand one fact clearly. God does not need your money - He owns everything.

This lesson will deal with your responsibility in stewardship of your life as well as your resources.

  1. Biblical giving begins with your life.

  1. God bought you with a price, His blood, and you belong to

I Corinthians 6:19-20

  1. God commands you to present your body as a living
sacrifice, not just your pocketbook.

Romans 12:1

  1. God will always bless your gift. But a willing mind and
heart with a life committed to serve God must accompany
financial giving in order for God to bless you.

II Corinthians 8:3-5, 12; Exodus 25:2

  1. Biblical giving accomplishes several purposes.

  1. Giving proves the sincerity of your love for Jesus Christ.

II Corinthians 8:8

  1. Giving develops an attitude of grace. It takes no special
talents or abilities to give, only grace.

II Corinthians 8:6-7, 9:8

  1. Giving is an investment in eternal riches, removing your
focus from earthly riches which will eventually fade away.

Philippians 4:17; Matthew 6:19-21

  1. Giving shows that God is your priority.

Exodus 22:29-30, 13:12-13, 34:19-20, 26

  1. Giving shows your dependence upon God to bless all of
your substance, not just what you give to Him. Simply
giving God your leftovers does not show your trust in

Proverbs 3:9-10

  1. Biblical giving has a clear destination.

  1. Biblical giving first supports God’s missions through the
the local church.

  1. That is what it means to bring God’s tithes into the
storehouse - it is God’s structure through which He
accomplishes His mission in the world.

Malachi 3:8-10; I Corinthians 16:1-2

  1. The tithe has to be brought to the storehouse so there
is meat in God’s house. That is God’s priority.

Galatians 6:10

  1. Biblical giving can reach beyond the local church but
must not conflict with your responsibility toward it.

  1. Obviously, anyone is free to give to causes outside
the local church. But you cannot count that as
tithing because it is the local church which is
central in God’s plan.

  1. Any giving outside of the church should never be
done at the expense of the work of the church. God will
lead you in all giving to the church - time and service
as well as money.

II Chronicles 31:11-12; Deuteronomy 12:5-7

  1. Bring your giving to the place where God’s servant’s
can use it to take care of the house God has bought
as they follow His Spirit. Otherwise, we are robbing

Malachi 3:8

  1. Biblical giving is how God intended to meet practical needs
in and through the local church.

  1. Church leaders are supported by your biblical giving.

I Corinthians 9:11, 13-14; Galatians 6:6;
I Timothy 5:17-18

  1. Other works of God are supported through your biblical
giving to your local church.

Philippians 4:15-16; I Corinthians 16:1-2

  1. Those within the church body who are UNABLE to
support themselves are helped through your biblical
giving to the local church.

Acts 6:1; I Timothy 5:16, 9-10

  1. Those who receive such help should have proven
themselves faithful under New Testament guidelines.

  1. These needs should be confirmed by your pastor.

  1. Other needs will be met by your biblical giving as
determined by the leadership of your church.

II Corinthians 8:4; Acts 11:27-30
  1. Biblical giving is systematic and grows as you grow.You begin by giving your life. Your giving is to be out of a
willing heart and because you love the Lord Jesus Christ.

II Corinthians 8:4-5

Let us examine types of giving from the Bible:

  1. The tithe - this is for management. Tithing was
practiced by God’s people even before the law of
Moses. We see this when Abraham paid tithes
to Melchizedec. The tithe was one-tenth of a
person’s income. In addition, it had to be taken off
the top (first fruits). Even though it was such a small
amount, it was given first to show God was the priority.

Exodus 23:16, 19; Deuteronomy 26:2

The test of a right relationship with this church is that
a person starts tithing.

I Corinthians 16:1-2

  1. The principles of the Old Testament establish patterns
for our relationship with God.

I Corinthians 10:11; Romans 15:4

  1. The goal in tithing is to aim for transformed lives by
funding the general budget of the church - the many
logistical necessities to assure the smooth and un-
interrupted functioning of the local church.

B. Offerings - this is for ministry. The goal of giving is to
expand the church’s ministries by funding the special
projects and ministries established through your church.

This is where a person can mature in giving and go above
the tithe (ten percent of income) to give an offering to support the things he or she does in ministry together with

II Corinthians 8:6-7, 9:1, 11-13

  1. Sacrificial Giving - this is for missions. The goal of
sacrificial giving is to provide you with spiritual vision
by funding the budget of missionaries your church sends
out or approves.

A person grows to go above the offering for his ministry
and makes a sacrifice to support someone else in a mission
endeavor of the church. Sacrificial giving is a cell-function
based on a relationship with someone who is sent out. It
gets missionaries to places you cannot personally go.

Philippians 4:15-18

A young Christian should establish discipline in his life
in all areas. Structure in giving is laid out in the New
Testament. These principles of biblical funding are
structured in His likeness - as a trinity.

(WARNING) Failure to be obedient to God in giving is
an indicator of a poor steward and someone who is
obviously not qualified for ministry responsibility and
leadership in the local church. I Corinthians 4:2;
II Corinthians 8:7-8, 10-11

  1. Biblical giving is subject to biblical truth.

  1. Give as God has prospered you. Don’t concern yourself
with the giving of others, just give according to the
amount God has blessed you.

I Corinthians 16:2; II Corinthians 8:12

  1. Remember at all times the law of sowing and reaping.

II Corinthians 9:6; Galatians 6:7-9

  1. True New Testament giving goes much further than a
simple “tithe”. It includes offerings and sacrificial
giving. It concerns turning over complete control of
your life and resources to Jesus Christ. If God has
control of your life, He will find His mission through
control of your resources. All of the above principles
of giving can be applied to your time and service as
well as your money.

  1. God’s will is that we be conformed to the image of
the Lord Jesus Christ.

Romans 8:29

  1. God’s essential nature is giving, manifested in the
person of the Lord Jesus Christ.

John 3:16; I John 4:10; II Corinthians 8:9

  1. When you give according to biblical principles,
you will manifest the nature of the Lord Jesus Christ
in your life resulting in God being glorified through

II Corinthians 9:8-15; I Chronicles 29:8-13

  1. Basic questions.

  1. How can I be sure I am giving to the right things and
that my money (and time) is being used as God would
have it?

  1. Build your giving (time, service and money) around
the local church. It is Christ’s structure to accomplish
His mission in the world.

  1. Our pastors are accountable to our people. Since you
are not mailing money to some far-off “electronic
church” you can see how the money is being spent
up close. If you have prayerfully sought God’s
leadership in choosing a local church and you have
followed the principles in His Word, then you ought
to trust the leaders of the church to handle this matter

II Corinthians 8:20-21

  1. What should I do now?

  1. Make giving to and through your church a priority over
any other organization.

  1. Make biblical giving your goal. Don’t be an indis-
criminate giver. Call the church office and request
personal offering envelopes.

  1. Offering envelopes will help you to be organized
in your giving. You won’t forget if you have done
it or not.

  1. Offering envelopes will provide you a record of
your giving. This can lower your income taxes
and leave you more money for your family and

  1. Offering envelopes will provide the church a record
of your giving. This is important for designating
offerings above your tithe.

  1. Make growth an objective in your giving. Learn to pro-
gressively mature in this important area of your life.
The tithe is God’s prescribed beginning point. An
offering is growing to give above your tithe. It is
a voluntary expression of your thankfulness and love.

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