Wednesday, September 18, 2013

A Relationship with God

     I recently went through a Bible study with a group of girls using the book "Authentic Beauty" by Leslie Ludy. It talked a lot about how to really have a relationship with God. I've grown up knowing that living the christian life is about not only that day you accepted Christ into your heart, but having a personal relationship with God day to day. I haven't always had the relationship I should though....and I'm still growing and learning. God has used this Bible study along with some other things over the past couple years to teach me better what that relationship looks like and how to live it out. This year I've become so content in Christ my Saviour. It's SO exciting and refreshing! I could say more about that, but I'll save it for later. I do hope and pray though that you experience this peace as well!

     A friend of mine recently posted a little something regarding this relationship with God. I'd like to share it with you now....

"A relationship with God is a relationship with God! It is a growing developing unity with the creator of all things. It is a relationship on all levels. It is intimate, loving, respectful, honoring and unifying. It is personal, it is enduring, and it is honest. It is giving over self to gain Jesus. It Is a relationship of creator and created, father and child, husband and wife. It is passionate, compassionate, rich, uplifting, healing, strengthening and satisfying. A relationship with God builds unity with God. Oneness with the creator, where an exchange takes one into the divine life. We exchange our weakness for his strength, our sorrow for his joy, our loneliness for his unity and belonging, our ignorance for his knowing, our foolishness for his wisdom, our anxiety for his peace, our frustration for his completion, our hopelessness for his hope, our brokenness for his togetherness, our problems for his solutions, our slavery for His Freedom, our pain for his love."
      If you're reading this and you're not a born-again Christian (Romans 10:9-13), I encourage you to become one this moment. A life without Jesus is no life at all! It might be great for now, but one day you will regret it. Will you let Him be Lord of your life? He's paid the price for your sin and is now waiting to forgive and adopt you into His family! If you have questions, please feel free to ask me! :D

     As I said, I'm still growing in my relationship with the Lord. I pray I will stay on the straight and narrow path, living in my Father's will, and not give into the temptations of Satan. If I stay, I won't ever be perfect (Either way, I won't be), but that's okay with me! Christ is willing to forgive if I'm willing to let go and let Him take control of my life! Growing in Christ is so rewarding and exciting. Life with Him gives me purpose! I don't know what I would do if He wasn't Lord of my life, my Father, my Healer, my Redeemer! 

     Even as Christians we can get stagnant....there are also those that get saved and then go try to live like the world ("fire insurance"). Both aren't pleasing to God. If you've only "purchased fire insurance"....I would do a self check and make sure you're even saved ("Wherefore by their fruits ye shall know them." - Matt 7:20). But those of you who are Christians, I hope you will seek and pray (prayer is key) to have a true relationship with Christ. It's a growing process, sometimes painful, but well worth it!

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