Lesson #6
- Where does the Holy Spirit dwell? List three scripture
references to support your answer.
- When does the Holy Spirit come into the believer’s life?
- Why does the Holy Spirit convict the lost of sin?
- How does the Holy spirit convict the Christian of sin?
- What is the difference between conviction and guilty feelings?
Guilty Feelings:
- List seven other ways that the Holy Spirit works in
the life of the Christian.
- What is the result of the Holy Spirit in your life?
- Galatians 5:22-23 lists for us the ______________
of the _____________________. These qualities
are produced in the Christian by a _____________
________________with the _________________.
- In order for the Christian to be “filled with the Spirit,”
time must be invested in learning and living the
- True or False
- I must get more of God’s Holy Spirit each
day. _________
- Being controlled by the Holy Spirit is a life-
long process of spiritual growth.________
- Romans 8:1 teaches you must walk after
the flesh. __________
- John 16:13 shows us the Holy Spirit will
guide us into all truth.______________
- Romans 8:26-27 shows us the Holy Spirit
intercedes for us in our prayers unto
God. __________
- Explain briefly the primary purpose of this lesson.
Key Memory Verses:
I Corinthians 6:19-20; Galatians 5:22-23;
Galatians 5:16
Note: In many churches today some popular teachings are:
- A Christian does not get all of the Holy Spirit at salvation.
- The Holy Spirit can leave you if you sin.
From the Bible principles taught in this lesson, you should
understand these teachings are false and why.
*Write down any question(s) you may have concerning the subjects in this lesson. Share them with your pastor...of feel free to comment them on here and I will do my best to get you an answer! :)
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