Monday, July 30, 2012

Week #8 Questions and Memory Verses


  1. What is the difference between God’s will and God’s plan?

  1. God also has a specific _________________for your life,
which involves his ________________________.

  1. What did God give you that allows you to make decisions,
both good and bad?________________________

  1. God has given everyone a free will, therefore He will not
force you to do anything. But when you reject God’s
salvation or direction, what is the result?

  1. God has a will for mankind. List seven things God
specifically wills.







  1. Summarize God’s will for your life as a Christian. Give
scripture references to support your answer.

  1. What must be active in your life as a believer to fulfill
God’s will and receive His direction in life?




  1. Before God will give His direction in your life what must
take place?

  1. According to I Peter 5:10, God allows Christians to go
through suffering so they might be more.





  1. Briefly explain the primary purpose of this lesson.

Key Memory Verses:

Romans 12:1-2; I Peter 3:17; II Peter 3:9

NOTE: There is much confusion today about the will of God. Some popular beliefs are:

  1. The will of God is different for every individual.
  2. The will of God has to do with specific, physical
  1. God has predetermined what will happen (fate)
and our free will has no bearing on the matter.
  1. Problems in a Christian’s life are always the
results of sin in our life.

From the Bible principles taught in this lesson, you should
understand these beliefs are false and why.

Write down any question(s) you may have concerning the subjects in this lesson. Share them with your pastor...of feel free to comment them on here and I will do my best to get you an answer! :)Prayer must be at a set time in a set format.

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